vineri, 15 mai 2009

joi, 7 mai 2009


O scena desprinsa parca din filmele lui Almoldovar, aseara, intr-un loc discret din locatia mea asiatica, care uneori ma tine inclestat, aproape inlantuit, alteori ma elibereaza si ma face sa cred ca e o mica lume cu minuni.

M-a bantuit secventa, am simtit nevoia sa le leg de niste acorduri, le-am cautat si le-am gasit...

O piesa care ma duce cu gandul departe...if only...

marți, 5 mai 2009


it's raining here..and for the first time, three days ago, I felt the smell of rain here, outside the city walls, in my little rainy world...

it was something that i said, or didn't say this time
i don't know if it's me or you
but i see the sky it's changing
i thought the time was on our side...
we can make this last forever
so please, don't stop the rain...